Where do you get your energy?
Knowing those things in life that give you a boost and make you feel energised feels empowering, as it puts you more in control of your energy levels and how you spend your time.
Knowing those things in life that give you a boost and make you feel energised feels empowering, as it puts you more in control of your energy levels and how you spend your time.
The time came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
In the film About Time, Tim decides to live the best version of his normal life by using it to make sure that he appreciates his every day life and those in it. Eventually being present in his ordinary life is what he decides that life is truly about. And isn’t this what life is all about?
Our greatest challenge isn’t speaking up against our enemies, but defying those whose approval we seek the most.
This scene spoke to me and reminded me of how so often we learn to stay silent in order to get our needs met and to gain approval from others.
So how do you build a life you don’t need to take time out from? How can you stop getting ill when you stop? How can you break out of the cycle of burnout?
I wanted to keep reading. And I wanted to do the things she was talking about. I even put it down and stopped reading it for two weeks because I didn’t want to finish it and wanted it to last a bit longer.
When we compare ourselves to others it can make us feel stuck and can hold us back from living our lives. It stopped me from starting.
If we can allow ourselves to fail and to mess up, but then be gentle and kind to ourselves about it, we can learn and we can grow. We don’t become paralysed with fear of failure or fear of rejection. When a baby learns to walk we expect it to take a while and for them to fall over hundreds of times. We don’t pick them up and tell them not to bother anymore. And so is life.
Anyone can be angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy – Aristotle
Sometimes we only have the energy to focus on tiny steps forward and anything else feels too much and too overwhelming. Sometimes these little decisions can feel big, but they make us feel like we matter and that we’re taking care of ourselves. Like we have a purpose and are heading towards something better.