HeartHealing® – Enoughness Package

Your heart holds the wisdom to what is really holding you back and reveals the hidden wounds your mind cannot see.

What is HeartHealing®?

HeartHealing® focuses on the most radical and powerful transformation you can experience: healing your heart and the relational root causes of your wounds.

We have all had experiences that have impacted our heart, whether that’s a loss or trauma, feeling rejected or betrayed, judged, unsafe, not accepted, abandoned or not enough in some way.

We learned to put walls up around our hearts to stop us ever feeling that pain so intensely again. But in doing so, we also created energetic blocks to receiving the unconditional love, success and abundance we truly desire and dream of.

HeartHealing® is based on a relationship based model of success that is attachment and trauma informed. It metaphorically breaks down those walls built around your heart by unveiling and addressing the cycles of trauma and wounding passed down through families in as little as ONE hour.

HeartHealing® is a revolutionary integrative healing approach combining scientific, spiritual and energetic principles for deep and profound shifts.

This approach unveils hidden blocks that mind-based techniques alone are unlikely to uncover and rapidly moves the client towards a sense of inner freedom through opening their heart to receiving more love, abundance, inner peace and success in their lives. The goal is a sense of wholeness and freedom that impacts every area of the client’s life.

When the heart is opened and head and heart are truly aligned, success and transformation can happen much faster.

“I had the pleasure of experiencing a HeartHealing® session with Joy, which was absolutely brilliant.
Joy has a very calming & healing way about her which made me feel extremely comfortable.
In just 1 session I felt a huge layer of wounding melt away which made me feel much lighter.
After the session I felt incredible & had an overwhelming feeling of knowing I am enough.”

Do any of these sound like you?

constantly doubting yourself
unable to make decisions
lacking confidence
needing reassurance from others
saying sorry all the time
being tough on yourself
feeling afraid to be truly you
holding yourself to impossible standards

These are all signs of relational wounds and trauma.

What if I told you…

Trauma is held energetically within the heart as a defensive strategy to protect you, but
blocks you from connecting with others and receiving love and good things in your life.

You can remove those blocks with the help of HeartHealing®

If you’ve lived with uneasiness and not feeling good enough your whole life, it’s time to finally be free, and give yourself the gift of healing.

You deserve to feel at home in yourself – to feel peaceful, confident and enough.

“My HeartHealing® experience with Joy was fantastic! I felt so enlightened after our session and Joy ensured that I felt safe at all times.
The heavy burden of reliving trauma that so often comes with counselling/therapy I’ve had before was replaced with emotional release and hope.
She guided the experience beautifully and I’m excited for what the future now holds for me.”

I have been working for years with people to clear the trauma of their parent wounds so they can feel worthy of love and at peace with themselves, but it can take many sessions or months of counselling to make significant shifts.

I’m excited to be offering HeartHealing® to work on the ‘enoughness’ wound, where you can get to the root of what caused you to feel not enough without having to relive the past.

Parental trauma and relational wounds can lead you to believe you’re not good enough, and can leave you feeling there’s something wrong with you because your own parent or loved ones couldn’t love you well. There’s nothing wrong with you, and never has been.

I want you to feel worthy, confident and at peace, because that’s what you deserve.

“This was an incredible experience that went a long way to addressing an ‘enoughness’ wound I had been carrying for decades.”

For an investment of £300 you will get

Intake form to complete, which forms part of the change process
Feel safe heart imprint – this audio is to listen to for a week before your HeartHealing® session for you to get used to my voice
1:1 online HeartHealing® session via Zoom from the comfort of your own home (approximately an hour)
Personalised imprint audio recording to listen to after the session for at least 25 days. This completes the transformation by shifting your negative beliefs that underpin your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, so long lasting change is possible


Who is/isn’t it suitable for?
HeartHealing® isn’t recommended for people who have epilepsy or have been diagnosed with any form of psychotic condition such as schizophrenia or DID.

How many sessions do I need?
Many people experience significant shifts and transformation in as little as one session, but how many sessions you need will depend on your particular circumstances and what you are wanting. HeartHealing® is available as a standalone session or as longer packages.

What does it involve?
Trance is the state you are in when you drive to the supermarket and can’t remember how you got there, and this is the state you’ll be in for the session. You will feel relaxed but aware of everything that is going on whilst you experience a meditative journey.

All you need is somewhere comfy to sit where you won’t be interrupted for an hour, and a good internet connection.

If you have any other questions or want to have a brief chat to discuss whether HeartHealing® is right for you, then please do feel free to message me to find out more.

Find out about my workshop: Love Yourself First